Thursday, February 25, 2010

Act 2 and Act 3 Inkshedding

Viola: "I am the man" (Act 2 Scene 2, 25)
Viola is trying to reason with Olivia about the ring and how flirty she is with men. Viola feels like she is part of an awkward love triangle.

Malvolio: "...and yet to crush it a little, it would bow to me.." (Act 2, Scene 5, 143-145)
Malvolio is misinterpreting the fake letter that and gets over excited that Olivia is truly in love with him. Malivio gets excited when he sees that several letters are the same letters in his name. He starts to act irrational and infatuated with what Olivia wrote in the letter.

Viola: "Then think you right..I am not what I am."
Olivia: "I would you were as I would have you be"
(Act 3, Scene 1, 148-149)
Viola is trying to convince Olivia that she cannot love her. Olivia is in love with Cesario because she will love any one she sees.


  1. Corey: Try to write richer, more evocative freewrites on the quotes. Unpack meaning. Show the reader what you glean from reading the short piece.

  2. With relation to Malvolio, he is trying to decipher the letter he has found because he needs to be in control and on top. Also, even though he is very excited over the fake letter, he does not know any better because he does not know that Olivia did not write it.

  3. i disagree in regards to olivia falling in love with whoever she sees. i almost believe its the opposite. she is so used to guys trying to get her love that when someone finally seems to not be attracted to her, she views it as a challenge and wants to see if she can be the one gaining the love of another.
