Monday, January 25, 2010

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

I believe that google is making us stupid because it is a faster version to look up information because students are too lazy to go to the library and read a book for a class. Google is networked with everything you need and it has numerous links that may be necessary for what you are looking up. When I go on google, I get very impatient and click the first link I see because I believe it is the only link that will have all of the information that I need. Some of the websites that are put as links such as Wikipedia are not always truthful. Students will copy word for word of an essay that was already written on Google thinking that the teacher will not recognize that they plagarized. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Corey,

    Just so you know- your whole blog is now titled "Is Google Making Us Look Stupid?" I'm not sure if that's what you intended.
